4 Projects

Taylor Made Traffic

January, 2020 - July, 2024
Technical Director
San Francisco
A music/youtube player to help users build playlists around Track Authority challenges
An AngularJS music & YouTube player that helps build playlists against Track Authority challenges by searching YouTube for related titles. This new interface is an entirely separate codebase slowly being integrated with CodeIgnitor / API features

Started: 2016-07-01

Launched/Lasted: 2016-07-20

Industries: Music, Events, Gaming

Team: E.A.Taylor: Design, Front-End, Back-End, Business Development

Companies/Brands: TaylorMadeTraffic, Track Authority Music

A platform for perfecting playlists and parties by awarding musical tastes
  • Built a fluid interface, fully responsive from 320 to 1024+ pixels wide, without a page refresh, with HTML5 and CSS3
  • Scripted all API integrations with JavaScript and PHP.
  • Deployed the mobile application through Cordova and Node.js plugins to quickly configure, compress, and compile mobile applications for Android and iOS.

Started: 2016-01-01

Launched/Lasted: 2016-06-01

Industries: Music, Events, Gaming

Team: E.A.Taylor: Design, Front-End, Back-End, Business Development

Companies/Brands: TaylorMadeTraffic, Track Authority Music

Blingby LLC

November, 2015 - April, 2016
Full Stack Developer
Texas - remote
Blingby lets users 'live the experience' of their favorite music videos and movie trailers. Blingby LLC tags top-voted YouTube videos with purchase links so products, hotels, and artists are shown in-sync as the video plays.
  • Configured and hooked Drupal Views to query content internally and from Amazon for album artwork as well as YouTube for matching videos.
  • Rebuilt Drupal templates for a more responsive experience across devices with CSS3
  • Developed google-map interface and query logic to re-order of ad / affiliates' links based on the user's location and affiliates’ geographic settings.
  • Built several administrative tools for configuring home page settings, photo carousels, and reviewing data-integrity from error logs and Drupal’s url_alias table.

Started: 2015-11-01

Launched/Lasted: 2016-04-01

Industries: Travel, Music, Fashion, Marketing

Team: E.A.Taylor: Front-End, Back-End. Robert Stanicic: Business Development

Companies/Brands: Blingby LLC


October, 2014 - October, 2015
Full Stack Engineer
Colorado - remote
Your passport to explore the airport. Discover restaurants, shopping, deals, unlock airport secrets & more.
  • Built OAuth2, token secured CMS & API with Drupal 7
  • Hooked Drupal Views to set default filters based users' profiles, location, next flight information.
  • Integrated FlightStats API at runtime while adding or editing flight information.
  • Optimized site and API with CRON jobs to update flight status and real time airport details from FlightStats API

Started: 2014-03-01

Launched/Lasted: 2014-10-01

Industries: Travel

Team: E.A.Taylor: Front-End, Back-End. Roberto Galan: Design. Chandra Jacobs: Project Management & Business Development

Companies/Brands: tripchi