Eli A. Taylor


Over the past 20 years, I've mastered the front and backend of several stacks, while leading and assisting throughout the life cycle of software development, from planning and implementation through many successful deployments.

Navigate the technology tags on this site to search my experience by your needs, and reach out if you feel I can help.

For those interested in Open Source software, visit github.com/sponsors/eliataylor for a few projects we can all share.

Cypher LLC

April, 2017 - Present
Director of Development & Engineering
Virgina - remote


Bringing order to Cyber Operations
A cyber threat intelligence platform for threat and vulnerability analysis, investigations, testing, and mitigation
  • Wrote continous monitoring and ingestion system to import, analyze, and score log data without duplicating anything and preserving context and source maps.
  • Designed advanced penetration tests in order to formulate IoC Patterns based on signatures seen in logs
  • Developed interface with a streamlined workflow to control ingestion, triage alerts and fine tune inference engine analysis
  • Configured Docker containers and managed all DevOps to GCP
  • Building ML model to detect anomalies in web server logs and emails

Started: 2021-03-01

Launched/Lasted: 2023-12-31

Industries: Cyber Security

Team: E.A.Taylor: Front-End, Back-End. Ray Allen: Product Development. Joseph Anderson: Business Development.

Companies/Brands: Cypher LLC

Safety reporting tools for the aviation industry. Available in the App Store & Google Play
  • Developed offline-first application for iOS and Android with React Native
  • Structured synchronous test suite for end-to-end API testing as any user.
  • Coded data reporting and visualization tools with Google Charts

Started: 2020-04-01

Launched/Lasted: 2022-08-01

Industries: Safety, Analytics

Team: E.A.Taylor: Full Stack. Samanta Amna Khalil: UX, UI Design. Joseph Anderson: Cypher CEO. Arend van der Veen: CTO. Sean Kanaley: Back-end. Kamron Githens: Account Management. Chasity Robinsons: Quality Assurance. Johanna Hawkins: Project Management.

Companies/Brands: Cypher LLC, UTRS


Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer
Promoting, Educating, and Facilitating Knowledge Transfer
  • Programmatically migrated a custom Solr server into Drupal for easier content management
  • Wrote duplicate reducer to compare nodes by measuring the similarity of common fields across sources. Used Levenshtein Distance algorithm and took action based on threshold configurations.
  • Rebuilt new Solr indexes with Drupal's Search API to respect CMS revisions and publish settings
  • Built front-end Full-Text search tools for the global site Search and FLCBusiness and showing facet counts
  • Built custom in-page editorial tools available by Drupal roles and node access hooks
  • Integrated CAS Authentication System for unified login portal between FLC sites
  • Rebuilt custom theme with Bootstrap to improve overall site responsiveness, scalability, and ARIA compliance
  • Wrote automated crawling importers for all NASA labs and various 3 parties technology sources
  • Upgraded Google Map integration to automatically update Map results alongside listed search results

Started: 2017-08-01

Launched/Lasted: 2020-01-01

Industries: Technology, Marketing, Events, Analytics

Team: E.A.Taylor: Front-End, Back-End, API. Joseph Anderson: Cypher CEO. Denise Wainer: UTRS Director of Communications. Will Dyson: UTRS System Administrator, Release

Companies/Brands: Federal Labs Consortium, Cypher LLC, UTRS

Flexible Assembly Systems

December, 2017 - Present
Full Stack Engineer
San Diego
California - hybrid

Flexible Vision

A SASS platform for TensorFlow annotations and iterative training
Automating and training quality assurance with image detection
  • Created several custom Node-Red modules for configuring onprem cameras and communicating with onprem and cloud APIs.
  • Wrote new API endpoints to for detecting motion and manipulating images with OpenCV
  • Wrote ExpressJS server for managing photo training data through Minio (AWS S3) and other storage services
  • Built entire front-end annotation tool with zooming, version controls, infinite nesting of tags
  • Wrote client-side demo builder to double as a unit testing for reloading randomized training tags
  • Calcualted shape size and dimension averages per tag type to help QA review tagging across large data sets

Started: 2018-05-01

Launched/Lasted: 2023-12-31

Industries: Technology, Analytics, Robotics, Manufacturing

Team: E.A.Taylor: Front-End & API. Sam Silverberg: Back-End. Alec Goeckel: Back-End. Aaron Silverberg: Product Development.

Companies/Brands: Flexible Assembly Systems, Refined Motion Engineering

Refined Motion

Assembly line robotics and automation
Automating safety and efficiency along the Tesla assembly line
  • Built Angular / Node-Red interface for guiding operators to fasteners, then testing torque and resistence after each fastening.
  • Wrote MySQL stored procedures to query required settings of each fastener and store results
  • Structured offline-first interface to configure assembly-line jobs and control tools & machinery
  • Created custom node-red modules for smoother synchronization with Fanuc robots
  • Wrote additional tools to allowing management to configure and validate jobs manually with or without needing the MySQL database
  • Deployed Node-Red backend on Raspberry PI connected to station Windows computer
  • Built client-side performance tracker averaging the time to assemble one project in a job
  • Wrote Station Service request tool to allow operators to order more parts or tool servicing

Started: 2017-12-01

Launched/Lasted: 2018-04-01

Industries: Technology, Robotics, Manufacturing

Team: E.A.Taylor: Front-End, Back-End. Aaron Silverberg: Vice President. Saiman Shetty: Project Management

Companies/Brands: Tesla Motors, Flexible Assembly Systems, Refined Motion Engineering

Taylor Made Traffic

January, 2020 - Present
San Francisco


Play & reward yourself, your community, & all athletes in any sport.
A web and mobile application to find, create, promote and win rewards from live sports matches. Available in the App Store & Google Play
  • Created entire frontend, backend, Tests and AI for PickupMVP.com
  • Published Flutter application in App Store and Google Play
  • Annotated data set and trained YOLOv4 model for detecting 6 classes across different sports
  • Designed all business logic for tracking the clip's subject athlete and ball
  • Built video annotation tool for ongoing additions to data set
  • Streamlined all DevOps with git and bash scripts to GCP

Started: 2022-04-01

Launched/Lasted: 2023-04-01

Industries: Music, Sports, Events

Team: E.A.Taylor: Design, Front-End, Back-End, Business Development

Companies/Brands: TaylorMadeTraffic, Track Authority Music

Track Authority Music

Rewarding Musical Tastes
A platform for building gamified groups and applications with rewards for engagement

Built all aspects API, CMS, and CRON jobs

  • API built with PHP around Drupal and Symfony, leveraging the Cache API and dependency injection for services, query factory, and entity normalizers.
  • Built CRUD routing paths dynamically from registered Entities and entity bundles
  • Built end-to-end functional testing suite to test all endpoints over CURL requests
  • Integrated Cloud9 Gateway alongside Commerce Funds to process transactions and keep records of users 'wallet' value
  • Wrote OAuth2 Authentication system to issue short and long term access token from the Password Grant via HTTP and encrypted OTP links
  • Wrote Email Blast tools for Group owners to send OTP links to existing and new users safely and securely.

Built all aspects of ReactJS responsive web app with Redux and Material-UI

  • Built single codebase to compile different applications with unique branding, themes and functionality. For examples, see
  • Wrote abstract form builder to render any layout and set of field components.
  • Wrote Cypress.io Test Suite using TypeScript and NodeJS to generate unique end-to-end tests for each brand, each with 3 device sizes. Also wrote FFMpeg script to crop and repurpose Cypress recordings as HowTo / demo videos.
  • Designed and copywrote entire application, icons and logo, sometimes in California, sometimes abroad

Started: 2020-01-01

Launched/Lasted: 2021-01-01

Industries: Music, Events, Gaming

Team: E.A.Taylor: Design, Front-End, Back-End, Business Development

Companies/Brands: TaylorMadeTraffic, Track Authority Music

Blingby LLC

November, 2015 - April, 2016
Full Stack Developer
Texas - remote


Live the Experience
Blingby lets users 'live the experience' of their favorite music videos and movie trailers. Blingby LLC tags top-voted YouTube videos with purchase links so products, hotels, and artists are shown in-sync as the video plays.
  • Configured and hooked Drupal Views to query content internally and from Amazon for album artwork as well as YouTube for matching videos.
  • Rebuilt Drupal templates for a more responsive experience across devices with CSS3
  • Developed google-map interface and query logic to re-order of ad / affiliates' links based on the user's location and affiliates’ geographic settings.
  • Built several administrative tools for configuring home page settings, photo carousels, and reviewing data-integrity from error logs and Drupal’s url_alias table.

Started: 2015-11-01

Launched/Lasted: 2016-04-01

Industries: Travel, Music, Fashion, Marketing

Team: E.A.Taylor: Front-End, Back-End. Robert Stanicic: Business Development

Companies/Brands: Blingby LLC


March, 2014 - October, 2015
Full Stack Engineer
Colorado - remote

tripchi - Auto Importer & Taxonomy Builder

HTML Scraper & Importer with Automated Taxonomy Builder
Tags map many-to-many and are used by the global search box, Types map 1-to-many and are used by the main drawer menu's selectable filters.
  • Developed scraper tool for importing Airport data from HTML, JSON, and RSS feeds.
  • Automated and improved categorization - despite an insufficient taxonomy - by learning from the full text of previous imports.
  • Built batch processing tool to review and update importer decisions by tagging content to effect Tag weights to a primary Type.

Started: 2014-10-01

Launched/Lasted: 2015-10-01

Industries: Travel, Language, Analytics

Team: E.A.Taylor: Front-End, Back-End

Companies/Brands: tripchi

tripchi - Native Mobile App

Native Android Mobile Application
A content manager and mobile app to guide users through airports and find flight, safety, and consumer information; as well as share rides to common destinations to and from the airport
  • Built a fluid interface, fully responsive from 320 to 1024+ pixels wide, without a page refresh, with HTML5 and CSS3
  • Scripted all API integrations with JavaScript / jQuery, parsing HTML and JSON from the Drupal server and across domains and third-party web services.
  • Deployed the mobile application through Cordova and Node.js plugins to quickly configure, compress, and compile the Android APK.

Started: 2014-03-01

Launched/Lasted: 2015-10-01

Industries: Travel

Team: E.A.Taylor: Front-End, Back-End. Roberto Galan: Design. Chandra Jacobs: Project Management & Business Development

Companies/Brands: tripchi

tripchi - CMS & API

Content Management System and API
Your passport to explore the airport. Discover restaurants, shopping, deals, unlock airport secrets & more.​
  • Built OAuth2, token secured CMS & API with Drupal 7
  • Hooked Drupal Views to set default filters based users' profiles, location, next flight information.
  • Integrated FlightStats API at runtime while adding or editing flight information.
  • Optimized site and API with CRON jobs to update flight status and real time airport details from FlightStats API

Started: 2014-03-01

Launched/Lasted: 2014-10-01

Industries: Travel

Team: E.A.Taylor: Front-End, Back-End. Roberto Galan: Design. Chandra Jacobs: Project Management & Business Development

Companies/Brands: tripchi

ID Interactive

July, 2013 - June, 2014
Senior Web Developer
ID interactive builds marketing platforms for a long list of great clients with creative projects and campaigns. This was just one of the projects I got to build while working there. View more projects I built with ID Interactive here: http://taylormadetraffic.com/companies?qtfilter=ID%20Interactive
  • Built responsive interface, pixel perfect to design specs, with elegant client-side form validation using HTML5, CSS3 and pure JavaScript.
  • Wrote barcode queries and prize distribution algorithm to evenly distribute 285 prizes, without predefined winners, across the 60 day campaign, against 20 million codes printed on Oreo packages throughout Colombia. Supported business rules such as Captcha when a user searched more than 12 times in a day.
  • Included several backend tracking tools for reviewing code attempts and wins, as well as an automated QA tester to simulate varying degrees of traffic, code searches, and minimum probabilities.

Started: 2013-11-01

Launched/Lasted: 2013-12-01

Industries: Gaming

Team: Cristopher Allen Lara: Design. E.A.Taylor: Front-End, Back-End. Oscar Gil: Project Management. Sharon Lewis: Account Manager. Jimmy Rodriguez: QA. John Parra: QA

Companies/Brands: Oreo, ID Interactive

The tool automates monthly reports for clients, by aggregating data from all active marketing channels or installed tracking tools, such as Twitter, Facebook Insights, Google Analytics, and YouTube.
  • Built fluid interface of drag-and-droppable graphs for Project Managers to create monthly performance reports of client campaigns.
  • Built API to customize each graph with comments, unique headers, colors, sizes, and display orders before generating shareable URLs to produce reports across accounts or without login.
  • Built site permissions matrix for view, write, and delete privileges limited per user, client, brand, and project.
  • Modularized graph components to build and refresh off a normalized JSON structure, produced on-load and via AJAX, further allowing data drilling on all metrics and dimensions.

Started: 2013-07-01

Launched/Lasted: 2013-12-01

Industries: Analytics

Team: E.A.Taylor: Design, Front-End, Back-End. Juan Ruiz: Business Development. Claudia Huertas: Business Development. Alejandra Farfan: Project Management. David Duran: Project Management. John Parra: QA. Mauricio Zambrano: UX. Catalina Molina: UX

Companies/Brands: ID Interactive

Healthline Networks

May, 2009 - July, 2012
Frontend Engineer
San Francisco
A Contextual Enrichment Tool of Rich-Media Health Information and Ads.
  • Built cross-domain script tag used to inject contextual ads, content, and SEO hyper-links onto any web page from 79 kilobytes of pure JavaScript.
  • Supported up to 60 requests per second including tracking pixels and over 50,000 SQL inserts batched daily through an asynchronous SQL loader. (Clients included healthline.com, sharecare.com, health.yahoo.net, and others)
  • Built a client-side keyword scanner to select terms from common semantic rules or other ad-tags running simultaneously; allowing contextual advertising services without a backend processor.
  • Automated appropriate ad placement via DOM scanner to measure element's dimensions, amount of text, and tag structure when explicit placement rules were not found in the Healthline Dashboard described below.

Started: 2009-05-01

Launched/Lasted: 2012-07-01

Industries: Health, Marketing

Team: E.A.Taylor: Design, Front-End, Back-End. AJ Chen: Back-End. Steve Jackson: Back-End

Companies/Brands: Healthline Networks

Dashboard is an all-in-one Content-Management-System, Reporting, and Ad Configuration tool. It controls where, when, and why to inject ads or content in webpages. It also allows reviewing Navigator, healthSTAT, and the internal crawler's performance across various installations.
  • Built this Dashboard to provide the crawler additional controls for prioritizing areas of the page to parse, skip, and flag for injection or inter-linking; with Java / Spring and Oracle/SQL.
  • Built tool to rebuild any webpage within a proxy environment on Healthline servers in order to install, test, and demonstrate Navigation functionality on any URL.
  • Optimized crawler’s queue to more efficiently check for content changes, ignoring irrelevant differences in the DOM source.
  • Improved backend healthSTAT crawler’s keyword selections with configurations per domain to prioritize URL segments vs. DOM Body vs. DOM meta data, based on target site’s semantic standards.

Started: 2009-05-01

Launched/Lasted: 2012-07-01

Industries: Health, Analytics, Marketing

Team: E.A.Taylor: Design, Front-End, Back-End

Companies/Brands: Healthline Networks

Automated Quality Assurance & Monitoring Through Interactive, Intelligent Browser-Based Crawling.
  • Built this Google Chrome Extension and browser-based Crawler to automate QA of web pages after all ads and third party javascripts have completely loaded, with pure JavaScript and SQLite.
  • Mapped entire websites while comparing keywords / categorization choices by each different Healthline API, as well as competing ad tags.
  • Automated .jpg screen captures of every page crawled, with options to first render watermarks and set colored borders around each area of that page where Navigator might inject ads, content, or hyper-links.

    Started: 2009-05-01

    Launched/Lasted: 2012-07-01

    Industries: Analytics

    Team: E.A.Taylor: Design, Front-End, Back-End

    Companies/Brands: Healthline Networks