8 Projects

Ruth Raser

May, 2008 - June, 2009
Web Developer
San Francisco
California - hybrid
A unique approach to navigation, with advance controls for restyling the site's backgrounds, panels, and colors at runtime.

Started: 2008-05-01

Launched/Lasted: 2009-06-01

Industries: Fashion

Team: E.A.Taylor: Design, Development

Companies/Brands: Ruth Raser

Berkeley High School

September, 2008 - February, 2009
Full Stack Engineer
California - remote

A vision from Biko Eisen-Martin for his students at Berkeley High School to create a tool for teachers and students to collaborate and compete in the writing process. Modeled after a traditional newsroom, students and teachers would be able to develop assignments, work on multiple versions of a story, share ideas within the class, and more. We built a prototype site that supported a semester of great essays still worth reading, but the project lost momentum as we both moved cities.

This project's greatest potential was in a version-controller for teachers to review, grade and provide feedback on student's essays, while peer reviews drove friendly competition between writer and school rankings.

If you work in Education or feel something like this could help your classroom or school district, please email me. I'd love bring it back to life in our spare time.

UI Tools include tinyMCE text editor, advance sourcing maps, and multi-category search options

Started: 2008-09-01

Launched/Lasted: 2009-02-01

Industries: Education, E-learning

Team: E.A.Taylor: Design, Front-End, Back-End. Biko Eisen-Martin: Product Development

Companies/Brands: TaylorMadeTraffic, Berkeley High School

Burst Entertainment

March, 2010 - June, 2010
Web Developer
Los Angeles
California - hybrid
A fun, educational site for kids and parents to learn about, and find recipes on healthy lifestyles and nutrition. Includes tooling book, jquery shopping page, recipes table, videos, and translation of virtually everything into 12 languages at runtime via Google's language API.
Designed and developed all animation and interactivity for a kids' website on healthy eating habits and recipes (AS2/XML/PHP: www.goodlifewithgabby.com / flash.goodlifewithgabby.com). Applications included coloring book, recipes sorter, dynamic video player, and language translator via Google Language API

Started: 2008-08-01

Launched/Lasted: 2009-01-01

Industries: Kids, Health

Team: E.A.Taylor: Front-End, Back-End. Unknown: Free-Hand. Lisa Vasquez: Business Development

Companies/Brands: Good Life With Gabby, Burst Entertainment

Building Safety Solutions

August, 2008 - December, 2008
Flash Developer
California - hybrid
Commercial software providing interactive emergency evacuation training for skyscrapers and public buildings throughout the US. Advanced UI tools include detail floor maps of emergency equipment and exit routes with controls for sorting and searching
  • Integrated Building-Safety-Solution's (www.bssnet.com) emergency evacuation training program with Ameriprise Financial's Learning-Management-System (LMS). Used Flash's External Interface to join the interface and Scorm 1.2 LMS
  • Wrote a JSFL script to export, convert and organize named layers directly from Illustrator CS3 into a single Flash movie clip. A naming convention for each layer in Illustrator specified how movie clips were named and embedded within each other. This provided the core content for a standalone Flash product which I built to allow safety professionals and engineers to zoom and locate safety equipment, stairwells, sprinklers and more, on every floor, throughout multiple skyscrapers.

Started: 2008-08-01

Launched/Lasted: 2008-12-01

Industries: Education, E-learning

Team: Umberto Polanco: 3DModeling. E.A.Taylor: Front-End, Back-End. Hector Gomez: Business Development

Companies/Brands: Building Safety Solutions


July, 2008 - August, 2008
Flash Developer
The highest priced brand from the BCBGMaxAzriaGroup
Developed store location profiles & finder, along with runway/fashion show video presentations

Started: 2008-07-01

Launched/Lasted: 2008-08-01

Industries: Fashion

Team: Joe: Design. E.A.Taylor: Front-End. Edwin Ado: Back-End

Companies/Brands: HerveLegerHerveLeger, BCBGMaxAzriaGroup

A major overhaul of the corporate branding home
  • Created Fall 2008 BCBGMaxAzriaGroup company site and flash catalogue with another team member
  • Built BCBG.tv to archive all video content with search and sorting capabilities. Delivered thumbnail and text descriptions of every video with content pulled from static XML, Flash Media Server, and mySQL/PHP
  • Created Tell-A-Friend applications for users to email their friends products and links directly from our site
  • Added client side features for saving settings and style preferences via Local Shared Objects (flash cookies)

Started: 2008-04-01

Launched/Lasted: 2008-08-01

Industries: Fashion

Team: Natasha Li: Design. E.A.Taylor: Front-End. Robert Baindourve: Front-End. Edwin Ado: Back-End. Ray: Back-End. Edwin Roses: Artistic Direction

Companies/Brands: BCBGMaxAzriaGroup

Taylor Made Traffic

January, 2020 - July, 2024
Technical Director
San Francisco
3 city concert tour featuring the Legendary ?uestLove Live

Started: 2007-09-01

Launched/Lasted: 2008-02-01

Industries: Music, Events

Team: E.A.Taylor: Design. Justin Herman: Animation

Companies/Brands: TaylorMadeTraffic

Two incredible artists, musicians, and educators that light up stages of multiple mediums

Started: 2007-09-01

Launched/Lasted: 2008-02-01

Industries: Music, Art

Team: E.A.Taylor: Design. Biko: Artist

Companies/Brands: BlackFire