Natasha Li

1 Project
A major overhaul of the corporate branding home
  • Created Fall 2008 BCBGMaxAzriaGroup company site and flash catalogue with another team member
  • Built to archive all video content with search and sorting capabilities. Delivered thumbnail and text descriptions of every video with content pulled from static XML, Flash Media Server, and mySQL/PHP
  • Created Tell-A-Friend applications for users to email their friends products and links directly from our site
  • Added client side features for saving settings and style preferences via Local Shared Objects (flash cookies)

Started: 2008-04-01

Launched/Lasted: 2008-08-01

Industries: Fashion

Team: Natasha Li: Design. E.A.Taylor: Front-End. Robert Baindourve: Front-End. Edwin Ado: Back-End. Ray: Back-End. Edwin Roses: Artistic Direction

Companies/Brands: BCBGMaxAzriaGroup