
3 Projects
The tripchi airport app recommends things to do in the airport based on your interests, flight details, & location. It also provides a network for users to share rides into town and find things to do during long-layovers.

tripchi - Auto Importer & Taxonomy Builder

HTML Scraper & Importer with Automated Taxonomy Builder
Tags map many-to-many and are used by the global search box, Types map 1-to-many and are used by the main drawer menu's selectable filters.
  • Developed scraper tool for importing Airport data from HTML, JSON, and RSS feeds.
  • Automated and improved categorization - despite an insufficient taxonomy - by learning from the full text of previous imports.
  • Built batch processing tool to review and update importer decisions by tagging content to effect Tag weights to a primary Type.

Started: 2014-10-01

Launched/Lasted: 2015-10-01

Industries: Travel, Language, Analytics

Team: E.A.Taylor: Front-End, Back-End

Companies/Brands: tripchi

tripchi - Native Mobile App

Native Android Mobile Application
A content manager and mobile app to guide users through airports and find flight, safety, and consumer information; as well as share rides to common destinations to and from the airport
  • Built a fluid interface, fully responsive from 320 to 1024+ pixels wide, without a page refresh, with HTML5 and CSS3
  • Scripted all API integrations with JavaScript / jQuery, parsing HTML and JSON from the Drupal server and across domains and third-party web services.
  • Deployed the mobile application through Cordova and Node.js plugins to quickly configure, compress, and compile the Android APK.

Started: 2014-03-01

Launched/Lasted: 2015-10-01

Industries: Travel

Team: E.A.Taylor: Front-End, Back-End. Roberto Galan: Design. Chandra Jacobs: Project Management & Business Development

Companies/Brands: tripchi

tripchi - CMS & API

Content Management System and API
Your passport to explore the airport. Discover restaurants, shopping, deals, unlock airport secrets & more.​
  • Built OAuth2, token secured CMS & API with Drupal 7
  • Hooked Drupal Views to set default filters based users' profiles, location, next flight information.
  • Integrated FlightStats API at runtime while adding or editing flight information.
  • Optimized site and API with CRON jobs to update flight status and real time airport details from FlightStats API

Started: 2014-03-01

Launched/Lasted: 2014-10-01

Industries: Travel

Team: E.A.Taylor: Front-End, Back-End. Roberto Galan: Design. Chandra Jacobs: Project Management & Business Development

Companies/Brands: tripchi