Taylor Made Traffic

13 Projects

Eli founded Taylor Made Management in 2002 to produce a public music & arts festival called Traffic. This URL was the website. Today it is a portfolio of the projects he has been blessed to be part of and the many people who have contributed.

This page features the products and brands directly from TaylorMadeTraffic. We are seeking like-minded visionaries that know how to develop, design or sell. If that's you, please reach out: tmt@taylormadetraffic.com

If you have your own product that you are passionate about, and feel we might be of service, please do the same or use the filters above to find similar work experiences by technology or industry


Play & reward yourself, your community, & all athletes in any sport.
A web and mobile application to find, create, promote and win rewards from live sports matches. Available in the App Store & Google Play
  • Created entire frontend, backend, Tests and AI for PickupMVP.com
  • Published Flutter application in App Store and Google Play
  • Annotated data set and trained YOLOv4 model for detecting 6 classes across different sports
  • Designed all business logic for tracking the clip's subject athlete and ball
  • Built video annotation tool for ongoing additions to data set
  • Streamlined all DevOps with git and bash scripts to GCP

Started: 2022-04-01

Launched/Lasted: 2023-04-01

Industries: Music, Sports, Events

Team: E.A.Taylor: Design, Front-End, Back-End, Business Development

Companies/Brands: TaylorMadeTraffic, Track Authority Music

Track Authority Music

Rewarding Musical Tastes
A platform for building gamified groups and applications with rewards for engagement

Built all aspects API, CMS, and CRON jobs

  • API built with PHP around Drupal and Symfony, leveraging the Cache API and dependency injection for services, query factory, and entity normalizers.
  • Built CRUD routing paths dynamically from registered Entities and entity bundles
  • Built end-to-end functional testing suite to test all endpoints over CURL requests
  • Integrated Cloud9 Gateway alongside Commerce Funds to process transactions and keep records of users 'wallet' value
  • Wrote OAuth2 Authentication system to issue short and long term access token from the Password Grant via HTTP and encrypted OTP links
  • Wrote Email Blast tools for Group owners to send OTP links to existing and new users safely and securely.

Built all aspects of ReactJS responsive web app with Redux and Material-UI

  • Built single codebase to compile different applications with unique branding, themes and functionality. For examples, see
  • Wrote abstract form builder to render any layout and set of field components.
  • Wrote Cypress.io Test Suite using TypeScript and NodeJS to generate unique end-to-end tests for each brand, each with 3 device sizes. Also wrote FFMpeg script to crop and repurpose Cypress recordings as HowTo / demo videos.
  • Designed and copywrote entire application, icons and logo, sometimes in California, sometimes abroad

Started: 2020-01-01

Launched/Lasted: 2021-01-01

Industries: Music, Events, Gaming

Team: E.A.Taylor: Design, Front-End, Back-End, Business Development

Companies/Brands: TaylorMadeTraffic, Track Authority Music

A music/youtube player to help users build playlists around Track Authority challenges
An AngularJS music & YouTube player that helps build playlists against Track Authority challenges by searching YouTube for related titles. This new interface is an entirely separate codebase slowly being integrated with CodeIgnitor / API features

Started: 2016-07-01

Launched/Lasted: 2016-07-20

Industries: Music, Events, Gaming

Team: E.A.Taylor: Design, Front-End, Back-End, Business Development

Companies/Brands: TaylorMadeTraffic, Track Authority Music

A platform for perfecting playlists and parties by awarding musical tastes
  • Built a fluid interface, fully responsive from 320 to 1024+ pixels wide, without a page refresh, with HTML5 and CSS3
  • Scripted all API integrations with JavaScript and PHP.
  • Deployed the mobile application through Cordova and Node.js plugins to quickly configure, compress, and compile mobile applications for Android and iOS.

Started: 2016-01-01

Launched/Lasted: 2016-06-01

Industries: Music, Events, Gaming

Team: E.A.Taylor: Design, Front-End, Back-End, Business Development

Companies/Brands: TaylorMadeTraffic, Track Authority Music

A mobile beat machine to create and share music with friends
The music is shared a runtime using Galaxy's All-Share and Chord Framework. This internal project was never completed but I still have hopes to revive it with the right team. Please reach out if you're interested in working together.

Started: 2013-08-01

Launched/Lasted: 2013-08-01

Industries: Music, Gaming

Team: E.A.Taylor: Design, Front-End

Companies/Brands: TaylorMadeTraffic

Lealtad card is a tool for independent retailers to publish and track promotions, along with their returned value and cost. For consumers, LealtadCard provides a way to search nearby promotions and publish their own controlled requests for good deals.
The promotions could be sent via SMS or Galaxy's Chord Framework. The interface and CMS is still in development

Started: 2013-05-01

Launched/Lasted: 2013-05-01

Industries: Ecommerce, Marketing, Analytics

Team: E.A.Taylor: Design, Front-End, Back-End. Sam Taylor: Business Development

Companies/Brands: TaylorMadeTraffic

An online and mobile game that rewards high-rated users with free music, gift certificates, concert tickets and cash
  • Engineered MVC architecture for dual website / API using CodeIgnitor and HMVC Modular Extensions, to allow complex types of permission combinations across user types, and make all components completely portable across applications, serving either HTML or JSON.
  • Optimized memory usage with several Bash scripts and CRON jobs to crop / resize images, handle email queues, and generate static HTML pages for common anonymous requests.
  • Built CMS for managing user-generated and editorial content, review internal traffic logs, logins, and all emails.
  • Built asynchronous email service to seamlessly convert website templates to tablular HTML documents with inline CSS, and manage queue of emails prepared, sent, failed, and clicked.
  • Built Node.js server to authenticate requests to static mp3 files before streaming via ffluent-ffmpeg
  • Automated performance testing with XHProf and data integrity tests with built in logging tools

Started: 2012-11-01

Launched/Lasted: 2013-01-01

Industries: Music, Events, Gaming

Team: E.A.Taylor: Design, Front-End, Back-End, Business Development. Drew Williams: Business Development

Companies/Brands: TaylorMadeTraffic, Track Authority Music

Started: 2009-08-01

Launched/Lasted: 2009-10-01

Industries: Art

Team: E.A.Taylor: Design, Front-End. Umberto Polanco: 3DModeling

Companies/Brands: TaylorMadeTraffic

A fully interactive textbook for the Legal and Strategical Aspects of the Music Recording Industry
Through predictive questioning, the tool was meant to create completely customized contracts from an intelligent questionnaire about the parties involved, their interests, and needs. Provides bi-partisan advice from attorneys, artists, and industry professionals

Started: 2004-08-01

Launched/Lasted: 2004-08-01

Industries: Education, E-learning

Team: E.A.Taylor: Design, Front-End, Design, Business Development. Rob: Front-End. Che Hashim: Legal Consul

Companies/Brands: TaylorMadeTraffic

3 city concert tour featuring the Legendary ?uestLove Live

Started: 2007-09-01

Launched/Lasted: 2008-02-01

Industries: Music, Events

Team: E.A.Taylor: Design. Justin Herman: Animation

Companies/Brands: TaylorMadeTraffic

An campaign pitch to MetroPCS in Southern California

Started: 2007-09-01

Launched/Lasted: 2007-09-01

Industries: Music, Events

Team: E.A.Taylor: Design

Companies/Brands: TaylorMadeTraffic

Raised $7,000 in corporate sponsorships, $10,000 in booth sales, and saved $12,000 through cross promotions with ProXPrint, SF Guardian, KMEL and other online media.

Started: 2003-08-01

Launched/Lasted: 2004-08-01

Industries: Music, Art, Events

Team: Dan Wilson: Design. Erik Siador: Design. E.A.Taylor: Producer

Companies/Brands: TaylorMadeTraffic

A vision from Biko Eisen-Martin for his students at Berkeley High School to create a tool for teachers and students to collaborate and compete in the writing process. Modeled after a traditional newsroom, students and teachers would be able to develop assignments, work on multiple versions of a story, share ideas within the class, and more. We built a prototype site that supported a semester of great essays still worth reading, but the project lost momentum as we both moved cities.

This project's greatest potential was in a version-controller for teachers to review, grade and provide feedback on student's essays, while peer reviews drove friendly competition between writer and school rankings.

If you work in Education or feel something like this could help your classroom or school district, please email me. I'd love bring it back to life in our spare time.

UI Tools include tinyMCE text editor, advance sourcing maps, and multi-category search options

Started: 2008-09-01

Launched/Lasted: 2009-02-01

Industries: Education, E-learning

Team: E.A.Taylor: Design, Front-End, Back-End. Biko Eisen-Martin: Product Development

Companies/Brands: TaylorMadeTrafficTaylorMadeTraffic, Berkeley High School