Alex Gibson

3 Projects
API for Web App Dashboard for scheduling, dispatching and tracking campaigns

My hours with FieldWorks have steadily grown since starting August 2023 until Election Day 2024. My current employment with them is a baseline maintenance agreement for 1 day per week. It is expected to return to full-time by April or May as campaigns resume to active canvassing. Below is a summary of my backend contributions. See FWCanvass for ReactJS and Electrek for React Native.

  • Maintained Django APIs, Chalice Lambda functions, and MySQL database for backend stack driving Mobile App and Admin Web Portal
  • Rewrote SQL queries for dashboard analytics double data response size while maintaining speed and supporting more dynamic filters.
  • Wrote k6 performance tests to benchmark API performance to any endpoint across environments
  • Improved PDF generator to print canvasser pickup and drop off routes and instructions

Started: 2023-11-01

Industries: Analytics, Language, Marketing

Team: Alex Gibson: CTO. E.A.Taylor: Android & iOS Mobile Applications, Web and Mobile APIs

Companies/Brands: FieldWorks

Web App Dashboard for scheduling, dispatching and tracking campaigns
  • Maintained ReactJS web app with Cypress tests and CD pipeline to S3 bucket
  • Built realtime, interactive canvasser tracking tool with data plotted on MapBox and Drawer menu
  • Improved UX with sass stylesheets, drag-n-drop tools, and efficient data-grid component with server and client side search / pagination menu
  • Optimized Redux to share context across decoupled components

Started: 2023-11-01

Industries: Analytics, Language, Marketing

Team: Alex Gibson: CTO. E.A.Taylor: Android & iOS Mobile Applications, Web and Mobile APIs

Companies/Brands: FieldWorks

Canvassing mobile API and Web App Dashboard for scheduling, dispatching and tracking campaigns for dispatching and tracking in-person canvass and survey collections.

My hours with FieldWorks have steadily grown since starting August 2023 until Election Day 2024. My current employment with them is a baseline maintenance agreement for 1 day per week. It is expected to return to full-time by April or May as campaigns resume to active canvassing. Below is a summary of my React Native contributions. See FWCanvass for ReactJS and FieldWorks APIs for Python, AWS and more.

  • Built iOS and Android apps for canvassers to run Site and Door to Door campaigns
  • Built components for Audio Recording, Voter Registration, QR/Barcoding scanning and more
  • Reduced APK size by 200% while adding many additional features
  • Improved deduplication process for location logging and offline syncing

Started: 2023-08-01

Industries: Analytics, Language, Marketing

Team: Alex Gibson: CTO. E.A.Taylor: Android & iOS Mobile Applications, Web and Mobile APIs

Companies/Brands: FieldWorks